Ever since we shipped our first ton of steel our goal has been consistent: we don’t want to simply be a supplier of flat rolled; we want to be a valued and trusted business partner in our customer’s eyes. From RFQ to delivery and beyond Phoenix is involved in your business, your needs.
We will go as far as you need us to go—and then some—to help you make a better product, more effectively.
Our Core Values
Respect | Excellence | Preparedness | Partnership | Problem Solvers | Fun
These qualities make up the fabric of our company and define Steel Done Right. We don’t just hang them on the wall, we live them every day. They form the basis of every interaction we have with every client, vendor, and co-worker.

Timeline of Phoenix Steel Service, Inc.
We’ve Been a Valued and Trusted Business Partner Since 1998
Phoenix Steel Service, Inc. is formally open for business in Warren, Ohio
Phoenix began operating own trucks to better service our customers
Phoenix Steel Relocates to Twinsburg, Ohio
Earns Certification to ISO 9002 Quality Standards
Earns Certification to QS 9000 Quality Standards
Phoenix Steel Relocates to its current 102,000 sq. foot facility in Cleveland, Ohio
Start up first Pro-Eco Slitting line
Phoenix Steel Service, Inc. is honored with the Growth Capital /SBA Economic
Development Award for job creation in the Cleveland District
Earns Certification to ISO/TS 16949 Quality Standards
Phoenix announces the completion of the Ameritech Steel Purchase, which provides Phoenix with cut to length and blanking capabilities
Completed installation of second Pro-Eco Slitting line
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Phoenix Steel Service, Inc. is once again honored by the SBA for Job Creation with visits by Karen Mills, Executive Director of the SBA
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Phoenix Steel announces major software and hardware systems upgrades, as well as 5,000 sq. foot office upgrade and building addition
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Installation of additional 30-ton crane
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Purchased and installed a .500” Wysong shear to expand capabilities into heavy gauge, high strength shearing
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Office expansion and redesign completed
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Implemented a new ERP system to help drive quality, consistency, and productivity throughout all areas of the organization
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Phoenix Steel successfully earned and recertified to the new IATF 16949:2016 and ISO 9001:2015 Quality Standards
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Expand truck fleet to accommodate both regional customers as well as local customers
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Further expanded truck fleet through new equipment and permit upgrades
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70,000 sq ft expansion through the purchase of the former Samuels Steel Pickling building located next to our existing Cleveland facility
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Implemented a new freight management module to support scheduling of both house trucks and outside carriers
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Began running a second shift to support increased demand and ensure customer needs are met